>WOOHOO POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Reb’s new mattress
Nice brown box!!

Lovely packaged squishes!!
Wonder what’s in them??

At last I have received some post!
Don’t you just love it when you get two large jubbly items that will not fit through your door??!! Heehee!!! Of course one of them isn’t mine and it would be the biggest one!! :-((( Reb needed a new mattress as her one is about 10 year old and it was my bed when I first had her, so a few springs were beginning to poke through and get her!! So off trawling the web I went, really surprised how much they were, you could get a whole new bed for the price of some of them! Well, me being bargain bird is not having any of that I can tell you, so I took a detour to Ebay and above is what I got all for the bargain price of £52!!! Super speedy delivery and the driver/delivery man even wished me a Happy New Year too!!! Will be using them again when I have to replace the mattress on my bed!! They have one very happy customer!! :-))))
But the lovely packages in the box are mine and I am also sharing some of them with mum, so that means you will have to wait until tomorrow before you see what was in it!!! They are wrapped nice though aren’t they?! Hehehe!!
I managed to get all my jobs done today that I said I would, so the lounge is now back to normal, have also had a rummage through my cd’s, so tomorrow I shall be having a change and re-living the 80’s with a bit of Robbie and Lady Gaga thrown in the mix!!! Don’t pity the neighbours cos I don’t!! Hahahahahaha!! They have a car so they can always go out, as they frequently do when I’m home!!! Hahahahahaha!!! Happy days!
So tomorrow I have declared a sewing day for myself and also wait in for another parcel, which isn’t for me this time, but for my sister as it’s her birthday and her pressie should be arriving about 11ish, I hope it does anyway, again, I can’t say what it is as not too sure if she reads my blog or not, but I reckon she will like it and it will be useful to her!!!! :-))
Well, am plodding off now as have had very busy day and want to snuggle in my bed and look at my lovely Michael Buble calendar before I sleep!! Phwoarrrrrrrrrrrr!!
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3 Responses to >WOOHOO POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  1. Tonya says:

    >nice posts…..are the squishy packages fabric?

  2. jan says:

    >Oh jubblies, they do look nicely wrapped don't they. Did Reb like the new mattress did she sleep well???Your neighbours are like mine, PITA, but do we care? Not this year. We are going to be cool calm and relaxed about all that is going on around us. We are keeping our heads down and sewing for the World.mum xxxx Yes Suzanne will love the gift you got her.

  3. maggi21 says:

    >I hope you will be able to get Rebecca up for school! Those squishies look interesting.

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